Medical Malapractice Case Review Services

Medical malpractice occurs when a provider or health care professional fails to provide pertinent treatment, omits to take a proper action, or gives substandard treatment that causes injury, harm, or death to a patient. The negligence might be the result of errors in diagnosis, treatment, aftercare or health management. Our medical malpractice reviews are designed, such that our clients can swiftly grasp important points in the negligence to diagnose a disease or medical condition, the failure to take the appropriate treatment for a medical condition, and unreasonable delay in treating a diagnosed medical condition, by the healthcare provider or health care professionals.

Medical malpractice can happen at any stage in the treatment or in any type of medicine. Failing to diagnose a patient as having a heart attack, providing the wrong diagnosis to a sick patient thus delaying treatment, giving a patient someone else’s medication, operating on the wrong body part, or giving a baby an adult dose of a medication are all examples of medical malpractice.

Medical Malpractice Review Services Medical Malpractice Services Medical Malpractice Expertise

How Our MDs Handling Medical Malpractice Cases

Our physicians have extensive experience handling a variety of medical malpractice cases. Medical malpractice cases are often complicated and time consuming. Reviewing and interpreting a patient's medical records, and determining whether correct treatment occurred, requires a high level of expertise.

Our physicians provide expert case analyses, organize medical records, and create medical chronologies, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of opposing medical experts, and prepare its clients for cross-examination of opposing medical experts. With an in-depth record review, you get a complete scope of the claim. The evaluating physician will address any issues in question by examining all records on the case. A records review will cover all case or claim aspects.

Medical records review involves a detailed analysis of the medical records of a patient, which may include physician/nursing notes, diagnostic tests (lab tests, ECG, X-ray and other imaging tests), ambulance call reports, correspondence between health professionals, printouts from monitoring equipment, and computerized databases. Medical record reviews are required for medical and legal purposes.

Our experienced MD’s give the Medical Malpractice attorneys to Medical chronology, Narrative summary, and Expert Medical Opinion with key point. They are very use full to pick a point and helpful for attorneys to win the case.

Meds Global Tech LLC delivers an unparalleled combination of medical and legal expertise. With our team executing the medical case file review, you will receive an objective evaluation from an experienced physician, delivered in a final review report tailored to the attorney’s needs. Meds Global Tech LLC clients often leverage our medical case file review to maximize the value of their expert engagement in Medical Malpractice cases.

Examples of Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice can take many forms. Here are some examples of medical negligence that might lead to a lawsuit:

  • Failure to diagnose or misdiagnosis
  • Misreading or ignoring laboratory results
  • Unnecessary surgery
  • Surgical errors or wrong site surgery
  • Improper medication or dosage
  • Poor follow-up or aftercare
  • Premature discharge
  • Medication Errors
  • Anesthesia Errors
  • Medical Device Error
  • Failing to recognize symptoms
  • Disregarding or not taking appropriate patient history
  • Failure to order proper testing
  • Failure to recognize symptoms
  • Pressure ulcers, or bedsores
  • Hospital Negligence
  • Prescribing the wrong dosage or the wrong medication
  • Leaving things inside the patient’s body after surgery
  • Operating on the wrong part of the body
  • The patient has persistent pain after surgery

Our MD’s Chronology/Summary Advantages for Medical Malpractice

  • Highlight important points in yellow color
  • Our physicians give an medical opinion on the medical case with valid reasoning along with references from standard medical books or literature
  • Our MD’s will give you the case causation, Disability & Noteworthy Points in the delivery mail
  • Give you the past-history in briefly in the chronology/summary
  • Detailed summaries in Post Injury records in the chronology/summary
  • We have preparing chronology/summaries for client-based requirements
  • Free Hyperlinks & Missing medical records for your all cases