Special Health Reports Services

Our Special medical reports include Comparative Chart, Treatment Chart, Pain & Suffering Chart, Pain & Medication Graph, Accident Timeline, List of Injuries, Pre-existing Injuries, Pain Score Chart, etc. That quickly help you assess that the plaintiff has been prescribed medication to relieve pain, inflammation & injury symptoms which help convince the defendant or insurance adjuster that the injuries are serious. and if the patient has suffered any injury due to pain medication overdose.

Medical Special Reports Services Special Reports Summary Services Special Reports Services

Our Special Reports Advantage

  • We follow CPT, HCPCS, and ICD codes
  • Easy-to-read and interpret
  • Focused, condensed and precise
  • Cost effective

List of Special Reports We Handle

  • Comparative Chart
  • Treatment Chart
  • Pain & Suffering Chart
  • Pain & Medication Graph
  • Accident Timeline
  • List of Injuries
  • Pre-existing Injuries
  • Pain Score Chart
  • Missing Medical Records Identification

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Why Choose Us?

Maintain Confidentiality and Secrecy

All your medical records are in our safe-custody.

Services are Cost-effective

Most of the appointed experts are in-house which brings down the cost drastically.

Assured Quality

Our controls are stringent.

Delivery is Swift

Deliveries are done in the quickest time with no decline in quality


Customized Reports are our forte, which gives a professional finesse

Strickler for Rules

We unfailingly adhere to State and National guidelines

Handle Volumes

We are skilled to handle large volumes of medical records and process them with ease and integrity

Free Hyperlinks

We make things easier by creating quick links for better explanations to locate points of interest within the records
